Starboard Passage was born in 2006 and in just rereading that, it strikes me, WOW, where 10 years go!?!? Lots of great times, good stories, and many happy, more informed sailors (amongst others beyond that scope at this point 😉 Looking forward to the next 10 years with an optimism and a keen sense of excitement.
The original vision for Starboard Passage (SP) and this website in particular, was to create a dynamic mechanism to exchange ideas and information. Instruction in sailing was the driving force but over time the relationship between sailing, fitness and performance has become the foundation. Specifically the mission is to help thoughtfully inclined individuals (or groups) appreciate the natural relationships between sailing and fitness, develop peak performance strategies and achieved a more healthy lifestyle.
The site will be progressively evolving over the course of the next year and onward. Feedback is always welcome and beginning with “what works, or what is working,” the most effective and logical place to start.
Enjoy Starboard Passage – PJP